This next Event is timed so make sure that you have a recent save game ready in case you fail.
Enter the SS Buccaneer.
Go see Ramtieger and tell him to go North, North, East. Go see the Captain and tell him that you will help them get the treasure map.
Now you are at the Mekiv Caverns. Try to move as quickly as possible so that you do not fail this Event. If you do fail, you will lose 2 other Events as well. Have a recent save game ready so that you can start over easily.
Follow these instructions:
- Upper Right
- Right (Roger and his Dudbears)
- Upper Right
- Right (Map - Dudbears destroy it)
- Catch the single Dudbear that is running around to get the first piece.
- Upper Left
- Left
- Lower Right
- Right to find the Dudbears with the second and third pieces
- Upper Left
- Left
- Left
- Left
- Lower Right to find the Dudbears with the next three pieces
- Lower Right
- Right
- Right to find the last two Dudbears with pieces of the map
You need to try to catch the bears very quickly or Rodger will come and you will fail the Event. The Event ends successfully when you have all eight pieces of the map.
Upon Completion: Return home, talk to Lil' Cactus, go downstairs (watch him write the Event on the leaf), and go back upstairs to save your game before continuing.