Place the Rusty Anchor AF in the space directly to the Left of the Fieg Snowfields to create Polpota Harbor.
Now, place the Golden Seed AF in the space directly to the Right of Domina to create the Orchard. To get the Golden Seed AF keep planting seeds with Trent in your backyard orchard until you have harvested 50-60 pieces of produce. Trent will then hand it over.
Now, place the Torch of Coral AF in the space directly above Lake Kilma to create Madora Beach. Enter Madora Beach.
Watch the conversation and step on all of the crabs. You need to try to step on at least 20 crabs during this Event in order to trigger a later Event. Follow these directions to get to Fullmetal Haggar:
- Right
- Right
- Right into Cave
- Lower Right
- Upper Right
- Upper Right
- Upper Left
- Left into Cave
- Upper Left
- Lower Right
Beat the boss character and talk to the penguin to end the Event.
Upon Completion: Return home, talk to Lil' Cactus, go downstairs (watch him write the Event on the leaf), and go back upstairs to save your game before continuing.