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Today is Day


Note: This event requires a series of conversations with Mark and Jennifer. Every other day of the week Mark or Jennifer are working the item shop. You can not have the required conversation with them if they are working at the item shop. So, you must leave and re-enter Domina many times to complete this event.

Enter Domina. Go to Mark's place (lower left door in center of town; they are on the very top floor) talk to Mark and Rachel (if Mark is not in the same room as Rachel, exit out to the World Map and re-enter Domina immediately. Then go back up stairs and he should be there.). Exit out to the World Map and enter Domina again. Go talk to Jennifer in the Marketplace (she should be near the fortune teller lady). Exit out to the World Map and enter Domina again. Go back and talk to Mark to find that Rachel left. Talk to Teapo and she'll tell you she went to the Academy of Magic in Geo.

Enter Geo and go to the academy library on Salamander Day (sleep at the café to change days). See the flash of light.

Enter Domina and go back to talk to Rachel and Mark. Exit out to the World Map and enter Domina again. Go back and talk to Jennifer in the Marketplace. Exit out to the World Map and enter Domina again. Go back and talk to Mark and Rachel to end the Event.

Cactus sprite

Upon Completion: Return home, talk to Lil' Cactus, go downstairs (watch him write the Event on the leaf), and go back upstairs to save your game before continuing.