Enter Gato Grottoes. Go to the Dreamweaver Room and talk to Matilda. Agree to look for Daena.
Enter Lake Kilma and go to area 16 on the map to get to Tote:
- Left
- Left
- Upper Right
- Right
- Lower Right
- Right (to Save Room)
- Upper Right
- Right
- Upper Right
- Upper Left
- Left
Talk to Tote and follow these directions:
- Lower Right
- Lower Right (Talk to Daena)
- Lower Left
- Down
- Left (Daena attacks Irwin)
- Lower Left
- Left
Defeat the Boreal Hound to end this event.
Upon Completion: Return home, talk to Lil' Cactus, go downstairs (watch him write the Event on the leaf), and go back upstairs to save your game before continuing.